"Farscape: Scorpius" is a must for any Farscape fan. Not saying that because I'm coloring it. I'm saying it as a fan myself. Scorpius is my favorite character from the story and his mini-series is starting to wrap up. Working on coloring the next issue right now so I'm excited to see what happens! Only two issue left and #5 comes out tomorrow. Get you one!
TOPPS has a new "Clone Wars" trading card series coming out in October. I had thought I'd be too busy to do these again but got lucky with a slow week of just doing some flats in prep for the next issue of "Farscape: Scorpius". Had some fun doing 50 (+3 returns) sketch cards for "Star Wars: Clone Wars: Rise of the Bounty Hunters". These should be out in October and I'll be selling my returns from the last three series in December at Wizard Atlanta.