Friday, November 30, 2007

Nike, Riswold, and Collateral Material oh my!

Nike's "League of Champions" is taking off again and people have begun to take notice. Before it was a project so little Nike wasn't concerned about me posting the work. Well, now that it's a big project I've got to keep you all in the dark for a bit. Not to worry! It'll all be posted again! You'll just have to be patient for the official releases now. Currently, I'm working on Kobe Bryant's illustration which ought to be released in early 2008. Just got word today Kobe loves the concept and to continue with the direction we're headed. Always good to know the celebs are happy with what I'm doing for them.

A lesser known "celeb", but even more interesting than a Britney Spears/OJ Simpson love-child, is Jim Riswold; a living legend in advertising. I finished up a few designs to help him with his self-proclaimed "bad art" this week. His work is crazy, funny, and smart. Go here now and make sure your sound is on! But be forewarned! His theme-song (I kid you not) is catchy and his love of puns isn't only matched by his love for dictators.

Finally, I received my business cards in the mail today from! It's not the exact same design as I posted earlier in the year but close enough. The color is perfect! The satin finish gorgeous! They look absolutely fantastic and I couldn't have asked for better. Much thanks for Shawn Crystal for pointing me in their direction.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


I found some time this weekend to work on my maquette I began at the 24-Hour Art Challenge at SCAD-ATL awhile back. It wouldn't have taken so long but I redid the hood four times! I just wasn't happy with it and since there was no deadline I just kept at it until I was happy. Now it only needs part of the staff and one object on the belt completed. Neither can be put together until after it's baked so this is about done on the sculpting front. Not too bad considering I've not sculpted anything in... I honestly think it might have been when I was four! Long time! Next time I post this it'll be painted and complete.

This is the old turnaround my maquette is based off of. I liked the look of the hood for dramatic reasons better and changed to that on the sculpt.

This also marks the last week of Fall quarter. I can't wait to put all of my "job" energy into client work and finally get my house renovations completed.